Marketing Automation Trends that every CMO should Watch in 2022

It seems that the world is in a recovery mode, even though there’s still a long way to go, and the past two years have tested and impacted everyone, resulting in game-changing challenges for brands and their perspective about marketing in their future.

Marketing Automation emerged and grew considerably; many brands considered this technology thanks to the excellent results that led to better engagement, higher conversion rates, and customer retention during pandemic times.

According to Emailmonday, more than 75% of companies already use Marketing Automation in 2021. Furthermore, in a study conducted by Invespcro, 63% of companies plan to increase their automation budget in 2022.

Our experience has shown that knowing the trends isn’t enough, but it is also important to compare your company and align your marketing efforts to get those predicted results.

Thus, we bring you to these marketing automation trends to look into this 2022 

The All-In-One Model

We are seeing more and more mergers and acquisitions during these last years, leading the Marketing Tech industry to an All-in-one movement, where the brands can find: CRM, Marketing Cloud, Automation Platform, Onsite Pop/Up Banners, Data Intelligence, and multiple channels in the same platform.

Behavioral Data increasing a real Conversational Marketing

The pandemic empowered customers to demand frictionless ad streamlined interactions, pushing for full-scale efficiency for brands and more real 1-to-1 conversations. 

Customers are looking for more relevant communications through tailor-made messages, and each customer’s interests drive that.

It is only possible y companies rely on automated software to simplify the process and give prominence to the whole customer experience. 

Personalized email and communications, Automatically

Email is still one of the most effective channels in the digital world! It is still the channel with the most ROI: 42X then it plays a vital role in digital marketing. 

But getting those numbers is getting harder for brands; they need to think about delivering a tailor-made experience for their audience in every email and direct contact they do.  

Now brands can find Marketing Automation Software that can help them gather customer data from different digital channels, organize it, and provide automated messages through various channels at the right time. Some of those features are part of emBlue’s free plan.

Omnichannel finally will be here

For years we have been talking about omnichannel. Since the last two years, we have seen more receptivity on this therm and more implementations in companies. 

From more than 2,000 customers, our numbers reveal that when companies use more than one channel (email + SMS or Push and Onsite), they get 3x to 4x more on conversion rate.

Marketing Automation enables automated messages for various channels throughout different customer journey stages, improving the overall user experience. 

Two ways communications, The Chatbots and VoiceBot, are here to stay.

One-way communication is like a dead-end. However, customers are demanding brands to engage and interact more, and all the time, 7/24/365 conversational chatbots are one of the ways to address this challenge and will be one of the most important trends to follow in 2022.

It will be the future of direct marketing and one of the most effective ways that brands can demonstrate that they care about their customers.

Personalized conversations are now possible because of technological advancements and are close to imitating a human conversation without noticing it.  

The goal is to encourage seamless conversation, and the human workforce will answer deeper and specific requirements. 

Machine learning and artificial intelligence everywhere

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are predicted to grow exponentially in 2022, allowing businesses to optimize campaigns using all available data; brands can have exponential success when you add marketing automation to the equations.