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What is emailing and how to include it in your business?

Email has been in our lives for a long time, even before the creation of the internet. However, it is more current than ever, since it has become one of the most used tools by businesses. What is this about? A that offers the possibility of building a relationship with users and thus increasing sales and loyalty opportunities. To do this, the key is in a strategy known as emailing .

What is emailing?

Emailing is a strategy that consists of sending emails in bulk to a list of contacts. These messages serve, among other things, to inform you of the latest news about the business, such as launches, promotions, events, etc. Above all, They are a key two-way communication piece to maintain and consolidate the relationship with leads and customers.

Why the email? You may doubt the effectiveness of email, considering all the tools that have emerged in recent years. In a world dominated by WhatsApp and social networks, what possibilities does email have? What you have to understand is that they are not competition, but rather tAll are media that can be part of your omnichannel strategy.

Basically, omnichannel places customers at the center, allowing businesses to manage communication with them in a coherent way, through the different channels. The result is a homogeneous experience on all platforms and media in which the user interacts with the brand.

In this sense, emailing is one of the channels that a business can use to interact with its contact list.. According to Statistics gathered by Kinsta , email is one of the top 3 content delivery media for B2C and B2B merchants.

And if we talk about the Return on Investment (ROI), at least 59% of marketers say that emailing is their biggest source of ROI.

So email marketing is more alive than ever; It is one of the most used channels to send content and interact with users; and offers a high ROI compared to other media. What are you waiting for to launch your first emailing campaign? Don’t you know how to do it? Do not worry! For that we have created this guide. Here we share the step by step.

Emailing where to start?

In a list of tasks to do to start emailing, where do you think you should start? It all starts with being clear about what you want to say and to whom. This brings us to two fundamental steps:

  • Define objectives.
  • Create a contact list.

Define objectives

What do you want to achieve with your emailing campaign? Knowing the answer is key before starting. No business should do email marketing without a clear purpose. This would make both you, and those who receive your mail, waste time.

In principle, you would waste your time because you would simply be dedicating yourself to a task that will not give you the results you expect. Users would waste their time because surely, by not having a clear goal defined, your message will not be what they expect.

Defining objectives in email marketing serves to set a course, something like saying, that’s where we’re headed! The rest of your strategy will be to map out the route to get there.

For example, if your goal is to add more subscribers to your newsletter, this will define how, when and where you will place the subscription form on your website.. Not only that, it will also determine what type of email you will send to that subscriber list thereafter.

Create a contact list

The famous contact list is nothing more and nothing less than a list of all users who have given their consent to receive the emails of your emailing campaigns.

Sending emails in bulk to people who did not agree to receive your messages is counterproductive. Basically, because it undermines your strategy of Inbound Marketing that consists of putting the user in the center, generating a link, which is based on delivering relevant content of interest .

If you indiscriminately send emails to an emailing list that you did not create from scratch yourself, you probably will not deliver relevant content for those users simply because you do not know them, you do not know what they expect of you. And if, in addition, you insist and You frequently send those emails that nobody reads, sooner or later you could end up falling into the clutches of spam .

To avoid all this, it is best to start an emailing campaign aimed at a list of contacts who have agreed to receive these messages.. You will create this list over time, through subscription forms on your website or on other platforms where your business is present.

An alternative to attract new contacts through your website is Onsite by emBlue. With this tool you can create pop-up windows to invite to subscribe to your news or events. Best of all, it is a resource that you can fully customize, from the design to the behavior.

How is emailing done? Step by Step

You’ve already taken the initial two steps to get started with your email marketing strategy. But there is still much more to tell you. If you wonder what a mailing should be like, then we give you the answer.

Segment your list

Once you have clear your objectives and your list of contacts assembled, it is time for segmentation . Segmenting is, basically, grouping users based on common characteristics, interests and consumption. The most common is to create different lists based on these criteria. This allows you personalize the messages you send and achieve much more relevant conversations with each person you interact with.

For example, suppose that in your contact list there are users who subscribed to your newsletter , others gave you their data in exchange for a lead magnet and there are those who shared their email with you to receive a discount. They are different audiences, with different concerns. You can create a list for each of them and send personalized messages in each case.

Some criteria to segment:

  • By gender, age or geographic location.
  • By individual behavior in your online store or website.
  • Based on the last purchase they made.
  • According to your most recent activity. In this sense, keep in mind that it is not the same to communicate with an active user than with those who have not interacted with the brand for a long time. Find out how to reactivate users through emailing at this note .

Create clear and direct messages

How should the content of your emails be? Of course, it will also depend on the objectives of each type of message you send and the segment of users you are targeting. But beyond this, there are two premises for the content of your emailing: create clear and direct messages.

At the time of writing each email, remember that users do not read each email in detail, they scan in search of the most relevant information. Thus, you have a few seconds to capture their attention and explain the most important thing: what is the benefit you offer. For example, downloading exclusive content, accessing a discount for a certain time, information about a future event, etc.

In addition to making the benefit clear, you have to directly indicate what they must do to obtain it. For this, nothing better than a good Call to Action (CTA) so your subscriber knows what action to take next.

Let’s imagine that you offer a discount for a certain time, in that case you can clearly indicate how long the benefit expires with a timer. Also, at the end of the email you can include a direct CTA like “Access now” , “Buy” or “Redeem” .

Write an irresistible subject

The subject is the most important element in the email content. Just because it is the first impression you make on the user. Erring at this point can represent a low open rate for your emails.

Our recommendations are:

  • Less is more. Summarizing the content of your message in a single line of text is essential to capture the user’s attention at first glance. Each email provider has a different character limit when displaying the subject line, on average they range from 46 to 70 characters. Also, keep in mind that users are increasingly using mobile phones to check their emails. Thus, use as few characters as possible. Synthesize and you will conquer. For example: Checklist – How to correct all your SEO mistakes (only 50 characters).
  • Take advantage of the preview text. Known as a pre-header or pre-header, this text is what is displayed from your message right after the subject line And it helps make sense of it with the additional information it provides. In many cases, you can supplement the subject with the pre-header. For example: Subject: Let your creativity fly on YouTube / Pre-header Discover the best tools and stand out.
  • Talk about benefits. Regardless of what you offer in your mailing, if you do not make it clear on the matter, you run the risk that nobody will ever find out. It sounds terrible, but it is the harsh truth. When writing the subject, focus on the benefit, is the only thing that interests the user. Whoever receives your message will ask the following: Why should I open this email? The answer to that question is the benefit you offer and you must make it clear on the matter.

Take care of the design of your emails

How to make a mailing more attractive? precisely, taking care of the design. Even if you think that what you say is more important than what you show, the truth is that it is a bit of both.

Wording can look lackluster without good design. A good design doesn’t say anything on its own without proper wording. Incorporating visual elements that help give more strength and clarity to the message is essential to keep the user’s attention on the content of your email.

This does not have to be a problem, you can use templates to do it or take advantage of tools such as the Drag & Drop editor with which you can create exclusive designs in less time and easily. Best of all, you will have the possibility to customize each visual element of your emailing.

Schedule the sending of your emailing campaign

When to send your mailing? As you work on your email marketing strategy, you will obtain very valuable information about your audience. This will allow you to know, among other things, what is the best time and the best day to send your campaigns .

What you should keep in mind is that users receive emails on a daily basis and surely they already have an armed routine or specific times of the day when they check their inbox.

The best thing would be to send your messages at the time when users are checking their mail. This will allow your message to be placed at the top of the inbox and, therefore, you will have a better chance that your emails will be read.

To know this you can base yourself on the past activity of users with respect to your campaigns. For example, what time they usually open your messages, what time of day they have sent you a response, etc.

For many it may be a bad idea to send emails on weekends , however, for other companies this may be the main alternative. Everything will depend on the sector to which your business belongs and, of course, on the behavior of your audience.

Measure the results

Finally, when you reach the end of this journey, it is time to measure your results and then everything begins again .

Analyzing the behavior of your emailing campaigns is essential to optimize your future shipments . In this sense, KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are the key performance indicators that you can use to measure the results of your email marketing campaigns.

Some of the most important metrics in emailing are:

  • Open rate. More clearly describes the level of engagement of your audience. Indicate if your audience is interested enough in your content to open your emails.
  • Bounce rate. Lets know what percentage of the emails you send did not reach the users’ inbox. This helps you evaluate the deliverability of your messages.
  • Click rate. Lets see how many of the people who opened your email ended up clicking a link.

There are many more, of course, but with these you can start measuring the behavior of your campaigns.

So far we have come with this emailing guide. We hope you can apply these recommendations and start creating your email marketing campaigns in your business.

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FAQ about emailing in your business

What is emailing?

Emailing is the sending of e-mails in a massive way . With its implementation it is possible to establish a two-way communication channel between brand and customer.

What is emailing for?

Mainly, an emailing strategy serves to retain your audience, drive traffic to your website, make sales and communicate important promotions or announcements. It also allows brands to establish a non-invasive contact channel in which the user decides which communication to receive and which not.

How to put together the best emailing?

To create the best emailing campaign, you must take into account:

  • Define the objectives.
  • Create a contact list.
  • Segment your base.
  • Create clear messages and impactful topics.
  • Automate shipments
  • Measure the results