Boost your business with NPS (Net Promoter Score) and Happiness Module Practical strategy to foster satisfied customers

This free download teaches you the best strategies to use methods that raise your customers’ levels of satisfaction to transform them into brand advocates. Retaining existing clients is more effective than generating fresh leads!

Fill out the form and find out:

  • What NPS is: learn how this indispensable mythology works to measure your customers’ satisfaction.
  • Improve your customer service practices by discovering the most effective way to keep them pleased.
  • Learn how to incorporate the NPS technique into your strategy to enhance the effectiveness of your marketing.
  • Exclusive and free content: get exclusive access to our complete guide to fostering happy customers, for free!

Build enduring relationships with all of your consumers by being loyal to them!

Ultimate guide: 7 steps to create a successful automation workflow

Are you ready to completely change your marketing strategy? Our newest ebook is a comprehensive guide that will help you understand the value of automation, its advantages, and some key strategies for improving your digital marketing campaigns. 

Fill out the form, and you’ll discover:

  • How to accelerate your results: Discover how streamlining your marketing procedures will encourage your conversions and sales, which will speed up your results.
  • Elite personalization: learns to deliver content that is highly relevant to each potential customer, building stronger and more lasting relationships.
  • Advice for analyzing and improving: learn how to measure and optimize your work flows to get results that are even more significant with each iteration.
  • Free and exclusive content Get free access to our comprehensive guide to work flow patterns!

Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your marketing strategy with the most effective workflows!

12 hacks for building a data-driven funnel

Did you know that 71% of customers demand individualized interactions from businesses and 76% become frustrated when this doesn’t happen, leading 3 out of 4 individuals to transfer to a different brand that more closely matches their interests?

These are just a few statistics that help put the value of creating long-lasting relationships with your clients and prospects into perspective. What is necessary to accomplish this? The solution is simple: a successful sales funnel. 

The best advice on how to create a funnel that leads consumers through each stage of the sales process and turns them into devoted clients can be found in this ebook. 

The Abc of email marketing


Learn in-depth about the role that email marketing plays in marketing strategy and how you can use it to improve the efficacy of your communications.

Executing actions around authentic communications will be essential to improving your outcomes because email is the king of online channels, with a return on investment of USD 42 for every USD 1 invested. The best advice on how to develop a close relationship with your consumers can potentially be found in this ebook.

4 tips for implementing a Customer Engagement strategy in your ecommerce

4 tips for implementing your ecommerce customer engagement

What is a customer engagement strategy?

Is the correct usage of a set of systems, tools, and resources to collect data from your target audience, in order to create a successful relationship with new potential customers or existing ones, as well as to improve and increase the customer experience and engagement with your brand.

The company must focus on building a robust engagement, with the aim of creating an emotional connection with the customer. It is not just about attracting them, but also turning them into allies and supporters of your brand, building relationships, and earning their loyalty and retention.

The customer engagement strategy covers all your company’s communication channels, both online and offline, including social media; blog; WhatsApp; chat; telephone; physical points of sale of your brand; relationship with salespeople.

Customer engagement takes place when customers contact your customer service, like and comment on your posts, but also when your company contacts them, e.g. conducting a satisfaction survey. It is the frequent interactions between a company and customers. However, it is crucial to understand it is the company that offers the different communication channels and the customers to choose the most suitable one.

It is important to offer a unique customer experience, regardless of the interaction channel. For this, the marketing, customer service, and sales departments are essential.

To put customer engagement into practice, it is necessary to understand how the consumer thinks and acts. This will facilitate the definition of the best approach to create a relationship where customers actually have involvement and engagement with your brand.

Importance of customer engagement for an ecommerce

The main goal of e-commerce should focus on serving customers and selling products. The importance of a great Customer Experience for a brand is immense, it can make or break sales.

Your site could either inspire trust and create an attractive experience for the consumer, or it could promote frustration and uncertainty. The differentiator of Customer Experience comes down to this: a proactive focus on optimizing the user experience can prevent disasters and turn underperforming e-commerce sites into sales leaders.

Tips for implementing a Customer Engagement strategy in your ecommerce

Make your brand more human

Make your marketing, advertising, and customer service efforts to be empathetic, truthful, and related to your company’s values. Consumers are more demanding, and traditional advertising methods may not have the desired effect and they may even look fake.

Therefore, the best way to emotionally connect with your audience and get them involved is to humanize your brand. The goal is to create a personal and sincere relationship while avoiding seeming too forced. In this other article, you will learn how to create a professional welcome message from scratch. Think of ways to make the company more accessible.

Involve your teams, post photos of the office, show the staff’s routine, and share professional experiences.

Invest in your customer’s experience at every touchpoint

When customers need support, they expect efficient communication through omnichannel strategies. This strategy allows the company to better understand its audience and be aware of their doubts, needs, and expectations e.g. Based on past interaction registrations, draw a more precise profile. In emBlue, we have a CRM that allows you to get to know your customer and their evolution from the first interaction made.

In an omnichannel support experience, you already have all the necessary information about your customer’s product, interaction history, and even the search terms and content viewed—regardless of the channel they use (email, chat, etc.).

Personalize your communication

One of the main ways for a company’s success is to differentiate itself from the competition. Having personalized communications is crucial, It is through them the customer can receive the attention they expect.

In this process, social media is an excellent way to explore and personalize communications. Providing quality content and distributing it through social media is the most effective way to succeed in this strategy, as they are less formal methods that allow for greater proximity to the target audience. Email is also a powerful, low-cost, and highly effective tool.

Listen to customer feedback

Another pillar of this commitment is being a good listener, by welcoming feedback. This can be a valuable source of information and says a lot about customer experiences.

The main advantage of feedback is that it allows important information to be extracted about processes (and, mainly, their failures). From there, analysts and other experienced professionals can evaluate the opinions expressed and understand how they provide valuable information to optimize processes.

In this regard, using management systems (such as CRM) helps manage the relationship, improve service, and monitor through reports processes’ results. It is useful when implementing improvements, as it is necessary to know if they will have a positive impact.

Customer Engagement is important because it provides funnel visibility to all companies, allowing them to identify customer behavior at different stages of the buying process, where different needs must be addressed. With emBlue, you will have omnichannel communication solutions that place the customer at the center of the strategy, impacting them at the right time with relevant and personalized communications.

CTR, CAC, CPC, CPM and more: What KPIs cannot be missing in your business?

Launching a new digital marketing campaign involves taking a lot of details into account. Among them, it is necessary to define the metrics that you will use to measure your results. After all, what is not measured cannot be improved! Therefore, in this note we are going to tell you which are the KPI’s that cannot be missing in your business, including the CTR marketing and all those that are an essential part of the buyer’s journey.

With the growing number of digital channels that businesses have access to, it can be difficult to navigate the sea of available data. What to look at Where to keep an eye on how our marketing efforts are performing?

The key to all of this are the well-known KPI’s. Of English Key Performance Indicators , these are the key performance indicators for our marketing campaigns .

These are essential metrics to know how the different actions implemented in a business worked , in relation to the proposed objective.

In this sense, indicators make it possible to transform data into actionable information.. What at the same time provides very precise insights on the behavior of a campaign and users in relation to the actions that the company proposed.

Now, what are the most important metrics for a business? These are directly related to your goals. For this reason, the same indicators will not be used in all cases. But nevertheless, If we talk about the essential KPIs, we cannot fail to highlight: CTR marketing, CAC, CPC and CPM.

In this note, we will tell you what allows each of these KPIs to be measured. But before that, let’s find out the importance of the Customer Journey or customer journey in choosing these metrics.

The appropriate KPI’s in relation to the Customer Journey

When planning your marketing actions, it is essential to establish objectives for each campaign. This will provide you with a better understanding of the metrics to use to measure your results.

For this, it may be interesting to consider the main stages of the Customer Journey .. In other words, the instances that it goes through on the way to purchase.

In general, four stages are distinguished: knowledge, interest, consideration and sale.. You can use each of them to identify which key metrics can be used to measure your marketing efforts.

  • Knowledge. In this instance, the user may not yet know your business and the solutions it provides. Therefore, the key is to make yourself known. How to do it? Online advertising, SEO and social networks are the most used routes. How do we measure it? CPM can be one of the most useful options.
  • Interest. At this time the user already shows some interest in your business proposal, therefore, it is a key moment to capture their data and incorporate it into your contact list. What tools will we use? Banners pop ups to attract subscribers, marketing automation and, of course, email marketing . How do we measure it? With CTR marketing and CPC.
  • Consideration. In this instance, the user still does not know if your business is the best option to solve their problem. Therefore, it is very likely that you are analyzing multiple alternatives. What actions can you take? A sequence of emails could be key to offering discounts and promotions, talking about the benefits of your product and making known success stories. How do we measure it? CTR marketing and CPA.
  • Sale. Finally, the sale has been finalized. And here is two fundamental metrics: CAC and CPA .

What is CPM?

A key metric in the knowledge stage is CPM or Cost per thousand. This is directly related to the impressions of your campaigns and therefore, offers a fairly clear view of your brand awareness .

What are impressions? Are the number of times an ad is shown to a user. CPM measures the cost of an ad per 1,000 impressions. For example, if you set a CPM of $ 1, your business will have to pay $ 1 for every thousand impressions of your ad.

The CPM is therefore a good metric to apply when the objective is to reach a certain number of people . This way, you will be able to know how successful your marketing efforts have been in achieving this goal.

What is CTR marketing?

Clicks are a clear indication of how the ad or message shown by a certain brand impacts the user. This is the number of times a link is clicked. These links are usually placed in advertisements and in email marketing campaigns. A good click-through rate can mean that those actions are going well.

Among the metrics that allow measuring the number of times users click on a link, CTR marketing stands out. The Click Through Rate (CTR) or Click Rate is a key KPI, because it shows the number of times a link was clicked by the number of times it was displayed. Therefore, it is related to the number of impressions.

Thus, a high CTR implies that your marketing actions are directing as many people as possible to whatever you are promoting.. If people are clicking, it means they are interested in what your business has to offer. Therefore it is a key metric at the stage of interest within the client journey e .

CTR marketing is a KPI that can also be applied to both advertisements and email marketing. In the latter case, it represents the number of recipients who clicked on one or more of the links you include in your emails. To calculate it, the total number of clicks on the number of emails sent is measured.

This metric can also be used in the consideration stage , especially if you focus your actions on emailing campaigns.

CTR marketing can be a measurement tool that provides precise insights on how relevant your messages are to your target audience.. Therefore, it is an essential metric to include in your campaigns.

What is CPC?

The well-known Cost per Click (CPC) It is another of the key indicators to use if what you want is to measure your clicks. In this case, it is a form of payment according to the number of clicks made on an ad. This is a model used, for example, when buying keywords in Google AdWords.

It is a format that can be useful to know the precise results of your ads. Since the budget is spent based on the number of clicks it receives. Which somehow reflects how relevant the ad you are showing is to the user. At this point it resembles CTR marketing.

Therefore, the CPC is an interesting indicator to understand the interest of the public. Hence, it may be key in this stage of the Customer Journey .

What is CAC?

Another fundamental KPI: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). It is a metric ideal for use at the end of the customer journey. That is, after the sale is finalized. Is expresses what your company spends on acquiring a new customer .

Thus, you can assess how much money you have used to impact those users and convert them into customers. You can make this measurement in certain periods, that is, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

What is CPA?

Something that usually happens is to confuse the Customer Acquisition Cost with the Cost per Acquisition (CPA). While CAC helps measure how much a customer who ends up buying costs, the CPA allows you to answer: did this campaign make my business earn money?

In this way, the CPA is a fundamental metric to know the financial impact of your campaigns.. In this sense, gives a clearer view of Return on Investment (ROI) .

If you want to know in depth how to calculate the ROI in your campaigns, do not miss this note .

The CPA can be applied in different stages of the Customer Journey , since it can be measured during the development of a campaign, especially in the last three instances: Interest, Consideration and Sale.

To do this, the total amount invested is taken, over the total number of conversions. In this case, When we talk about conversion we refer to the desired actions carried out by the user in relation to the brand. It can be to register for the newsletter, give your data in exchange for a lead magnet, register for a webinar and even buy a product, among other actions. For this reason, the CPA cannot be missing from the list of KPI’s for a business .

Now that you know the main metrics to measure the results of your marketing actions, you have more tools to get closer to the commercial objectives of your business. The best thing is that in case of not obtaining the desired fruits, thanks to these KPI’s you can know where to make improvements to optimize your campaigns. To measure and improve!

FAQ about CTR marketing

What is KPI and what is it for?

In digital marketing, there is no successful campaign without KPIs. KPIs are performance indicators that will reveal whether our strategies were successful or not . They are the metrics that will make the business objectives be met.

What is CTR marketing?

The CTR is that metric that indicates the percentage of clicks on a piece, over the number of impressions. It can be applied to an email marketing piece, in a social media ad, or on buttons within a website.

️ What are the main KPIs?

Within a digital marketing strategy and depending on the platforms used to implement it, you will find the following KPIs:

  • CPM (cost per thousand impressions)
  • CTR (percentage of clicks obtained)
  • CPC (cost per click)
  • CAC (cost per customer acquisition)
  • CPA (cost per acquisition)

Sell more with up selling and cross selling

Getting new customers is not the only way an online business has when it wants to grow. Up selling and cross selling are ecommerce sales strategies that can also boost growth . Here we explain what it is about.  Up-selling When we up-sell we are improving the sale of the product that the client acquired or … Read more

Automotive marketing: effective actions to increase sales

Know the most effective actions of automotive marketing it is more important than ever in a hyper competitive market. And the Omnichannel is the ace up your sleeve to make a real difference in results . You want to know more? We put first and we will tell you about it in this note! ️

Today, automotive marketing occupies an increasingly important place in the market. Users are faced with a decision as important as buying a car and we must resort to the best strategies to convince them that they are choosing the right path: omnichannel can be the greatest ally in that race

The way people shop changed radically in recent years, deepening with the Covid-19 pandemic. They no longer only seek to be able to contact a brand through different channels: they need that the conversation is one and find a homogeneous experience from beginning to end

What is the way to adapt to these new consumers? Where are the peculiarities of the automotive industry? How do you find a marketing strategy that does deliver results? Read on and find out!

Simple Omnichannel: Solutions for Automotive Marketing

Connect with your potential customers

If you usually visit our blog, you will already know; And if not, we tell you now: a solid customer prospecting strategy is key in any market , but it is simply essential for the automotive industry. As we already mentioned, buying a car is a very important decision and building a Trusted relationship is key for them as well as for our brand.

Many dealerships still don’t figure out how to reach users and convert to leads to those who visit its different channels on a daily basis. Nowadays, More than 50% of people say they do not trust the prices shown in the ads.

There are different ways and strategies to achieve this:

  • Enrollment forms
  • Pop ups
  • Helpful content

We have developed a new feature called OnSite to create pop-up windows that accelerate your sales or invite your audience to subscribe .. With OnSite you can personalize your pop-ups with images, texts and links with a message of interest that allows you to turn each visit into a new customer.

Another way is through Call to action , motivating the public to download guides or promotions that will encourage them to make the right decision.. Or maybe by subscribing newsletters that show the stock of available cars, along with the most important information about each model, and its main recommendations from the automotive industry. These formats can be used both on your social networks and on your website.

Attract people to your dealership with automotive marketing

With the attraction indicated, sales are assured. Nowadays it is essential to have a attractive presence through social networks or a website. People act online and it is through these platforms that you should get their attention

What is the reason for this resistance to buying in a physical place? Today, 59% of buyers say they prefer to buy online. Why? According to 47% of people, the pressure to make a decision is greater at concessionaires ⏰

Every positive and efficient shopping experience begins with content of interest to your customer, where he can learn about your brand and both the services and products you offer, and then convince him to visit your dealership. For example, offers more information on delivery times and the necessary procedures after purchase.

Retain your ideal audience with automotive marketing

Have you already attracted the public to your company? Perfect! Now is the time to maintain close contact so that the client feels comfortable with their decision. Y yes, omnichannel can be the best ally to offer you an effective onmboarding process that leaves no doubt that you have chosen the right option to buy your car

As we have already mentioned, the advantages offered by email marketing , forms or newsletters are of great importance.. Through these interaction channels, you can always be close to answer questions or finish convince the user to complete the purchase process .

How to do it?

  • Updating your sites and social networks
  • Offering innovative and transparent content
  • Communicate news of the sector and informative material
  • Customize your campaigns
  • Establish a dialogue with your audience

If you monitor the behavior of users and identify what type of car is to their liking, you can contact them via SMS or email offering support or asking if they are comfortable with the chosen model or if they want to see other models with the same color .

A tracking of customer activity It is essential to know why and where each person is in the sales process. As well as for know what can be done to motivate your purchase

Automotive marketing and automation: turn your leads into customers

After having managed to collect a large number of leads, you must know how to use them effectively to convert them into customers . The more you optimize your message, the better results you will have!

How to do it? So much the Email marketing and automation are ideal tools to target the right audience and send them the type of communication they want to receive, according to their interests and location.

For example, you can create an automated flow that, after a visit to your website by a certain car, immediately sends an email presenting different color options or related offers. Or, if someone has already bought a car, you can save your information to send you, after one year, the proposal to change it for a more modern model with a discount.

These solutions will make both you loyal customers and increase sales, attacking the needs of the audience even before they know it.

SEO positioning in automotive marketing

Stay relevant in the automotive industry search engine and dealership is a crucial element in your automotive marketing strategy. Nowadays, it is not enough only with a great website, but it is necessary to have a presence in social networks and a commercial profile that differs from the rest.

To make your work easier, we bring you two essential tools. SEO Powersuite analyzes the links of your competitors, monitors and helps in the selection of keywords and analyze your website to optimize its SEO aspects. On the other hand, QuickSprout analyzes your website, recommends best practices for your positioning and compares your website with that of other competitors

Thus, potential customers will learn more about the services offered and the business culture of the brand, which will enable greater visibility and positioning through keywords.

Boost your brand equity with automotive marketing

Constant innovation is essential. Together with her you can take your business to a new level and achieve more loyalty to your brand. Among so much information available, people choose those services that best match their values and lifestyle.

Using automated marketing in your campaigns will help you boost your business and ensure customer satisfaction.

Automotive Marketing: Measure, Save and Build Loyalty

Analyzing your KPI indicators will allow you to know the scope of your campaigns in relation to your objectives. Using these metrics you can identify if your marketing strategy yields the expected results or if you must modify your decisions before continuing to waste your money.

Providing an experience according to the needs of your client in an efficient way will establish a bond of trust, turning them into a loyal buyer.

By carrying out these actions in your automotive marketing strategies, you will increase the acquisition of new customers, increasing sales and getting closer and closer to your ideal customer. Optimize your resources, improve results and stand out in one of the most competitive industries!

FAQ: Automotive Marketing: Effective Actions to Increase Sales

What is automotive marketing?
Automotive marketing is a necessary tool to transform your company into an optimized business with more sales.

What is automotive marketing good for?
Within an industry in constant innovation, keeping up with the main trends is essential to continue growing your brand.

What are the key concepts of automotive marketing?

  • Potential customers
  • Email marketing
  • Automation
  • Positioning
  • Omnichannel

Tourism marketing: what is it and how to achieve a successful campaign?

With super attractive destinations at all times of the year and a market full of offers, to know what is tourism marketing and how to reach omnichannel is the key to creating a winning strategy Can the tourism sector reach omnichannel? Take a passage to read this note and find out!

Without a doubt, the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) not only transformed our lifestyle, but also the relevance of tourism marketing .

With a 95% drop in travel in 2020, travel agencies must optimize their tourism marketing campaigns to survive a potential budget cut.

Places that were previously presented as ideal destinations, today are almost empty. With the industry almost in checkmate, it is necessary to resort to Efficient alternatives for companies and both omnichannel and marketing automation are some of them.

Here is everything you need to know!

Marketing automation adapted to the tourism market

Marketing automation offers process simplification and time savings. This tool is based on all those softwares that automate a marketing campaign, creating responses to certain actions by users through multiple communication channels.

The objective of this process is to consolidate the relationship with your audience , providing an optimized experience as soon as people enter your virtual ecosystem.

How to apply it to tourism marketing? Faced with the new normal that dominates the world, tourism companies receive daily a large number of complaints about travel packages sold, cancellations, accommodation or rescheduling.

A successful omnichannel tourism marketing campaign must

  • Share service statuses
  • Communicate empathically and consistently
  • Give helpful advice
  • Generate content to answer questions

Omnichannel in your tourism marketing

As we already know, promoting ticket sales is one of the main objectives of tourism marketing (worldwide, there was a 41% decrease during the week of December 21, 2020 compared to the same week during 2019). To achieve this, it is key build a solid database and carry out strategies according to the purchase stage each person is in– From searching to buying, through information you need before you travel, useful tips for your trip and content of interest so that you want to return in the future.

Omnichannel is impossible to achieve without proper positioning of your communication channels, Such as your social networks, your presence in search engines or the most popular platforms in the industry. Thus, you will also be able to check which content is most effective for your objectives and find out, in greater detail, what people in your audience want to know .

Use the networks to your advantage!

To better adapt to the crisis, it is essential to define which contact channels you will use to get closer to your audience. Either Through social networks, WhatsApp or email, you should always communicate without denying the current problem.

A warm and transparent message will make your customers trust you more and choose you over other companies. For example, the website Due to the coronavirus pandemic , had to cancel its flights and invited each user to complete a form so that they would be contacted by the company in order to solve their reservations.

Good news in times of crisis? Of course!

As we mentioned before, be present and know the needs of your audience it is a key factor. For example, the company Aerolineas Argentinas used its networks to communicate good news: faced with the impossibility of continuing to sell commercial flights, it announced the progress to transfer the Sputnik V vaccine from Russia to Argentina.

A successful tourism marketing campaign builds customer loyalty also by increasing your reputation in such a competitive industry.

An exceptional situation requires differential help

The pandemic not only prevented people from being able to continue mobilizing, but also left a large number of people isolated and stranded in their tourist destinations. In this way, what at first was the joy of knowing a new place, became the uncertainty of how to return home.

In this way, the Tourism City agency , led by the now famous Carla, carried out a communication solving the main doubts and queries of those people who had bought them a ticket. That virtuality does not make us lose that magic touch of human closeness!

Stay active

In times of pandemic, it has already been proven that it is important not to remain silent. Adapting your communication to current times is elementary and will keep you relevant despite a global crisis.

To achieve this, the LATAM Airlines company presented a new category of more flexible tickets with the possibility of change or cancellation at no cost. Thus, he achieved increase your sales at a lower cost and not slow down your operations during the pandemic.

Attractive and educational content

The development of content adapted to the current context can be of great help when it comes to positioning yourself and highlighting your brand. Either through interesting information such as ‘The 10 best activities …’ or ‘5 tips for traveling in times of pandemic ‘ you can increase your reputation.

The current tourist is no longer the same, only through content of value and consistent with the world situation will make people interested in you among so many other options available.


The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic did not impact in the same way in all countries, however 96% of the world’s destinations put restrictions on tourism. In the face of the crisis, the important thing is to stay active and relevant. While other companies pause their tourism marketing strategies, boosting yours can always position yourself one step ahead of the rest.

FAQ: Tourism marketing: what is it and how to achieve a successful campaign?

What is tourism marketing?

Tourism marketing is the promotion of places carried out by companies in the hotel sectors, entertainment venues, restaurants, transport companies to increase their sales.

What is hotel marketing for?

It is in charge of all those actions that focus on offering tourists an optimized service and a differential experience.

What are the main benefits of tourism marketing?

  • Increase sales
  • Reduce costs and time
  • Establish a conversation with the audience
  • Segment databases

Never miss it: how to send a welcome message to a client

If we talk about an omnichannel strategy , a “hello, how are you?” it is much more than a simple greeting Offering a good welcome message to our clients, through email or another channel, can impact the entire relationship with our brand. What is a welcome message? What is it for? How to write it? Find out in this note!

Did you know that the welcome message is the one that captures the most attention from the user?

Imagine this: a person visits your website for the first time. While browsing the site a push notification inviting you to leave your details to subscribe to the newsletter.

So far, the user may not feel interested in giving you their information, after all, we are bombarded by messages of this kind. However, in exchange for doing so you offer him something that is just what he was looking for! It could be free downloadable material, a discount on your first purchase, or exclusive access to an event, to name a few examples.

It’s your lucky day! what you have offered has hit the mark .

What will you get in return? In this case it is the least, the important thing is that in addition to that “gift”, the user expects your welcome message almost as long as they will expect, when making their first purchase, the possibility of giving feedback on their experience with the brand. Did I already tell you about Net Promoter Score? I don’t want to deviate too much, but if you are interested in simple customer retention you should read this other note from our blog;)

Undoubtedly, that is the main attraction of this kind of communication, the interest of the user. Because that means only one thing: it will be waiting for that message and, therefore, the opening possibilities are greater .

Now that you have their full attention, it is time to receive it accordingly , what would that be like? Calm down, we will explain it to you below.

What is the welcome message to a customer?

The welcome message to a client or subscriber is one that is sent with the aim of greeting the user and thanking him for the action he has just carried out . Among them, we can distinguish:

  • Subscription to the blog.
  • Register in the online store to buy a product.
  • Leave your WhatsApp contact to receive updates from the company.
  • Subscribe to the brand’s SMS.

Customer welcome messages are communications that we can schedule automatically (sorry, automating is too important not to say ) These respond to that action that the user has just performed for the first time in relation to our business.

What is a welcome message to a customer? The welcome message to a client or subscriber is one that is sent, in an automated way, with the aim of greeting the user and thanking him for the action he has just carried out .

Welcoming is possibly the first direct interaction you have with that person and this only means one thing: their relationship is just beginning . To make a good first impression – remember that it is the most important – there is nothing like giving a good welcome .

The possibilities that this kind of message offers us are endless. Therefore, it is important to know why we should strategically plan this type of interaction with users

Why send customer welcome messages?

Do you have a chair handy? No? So walk over to one and sit down before reading this: welcome messages via email have an average open rate of more than 50%.

Welcome messages sent via email have an average open rate -u Open Rate- that exceeds 50%.

Source: Invest

In the case of SMS marketing , we told you a few days ago that 98% of the text messages that arrive are read by the recipients almost immediately .

What about the messages that you can send to your clients through WhatsApp? These They have an open rate that ranges between 70% and 90%.

As you can see, the welcome message has a lot of potential within your omnichannel strategy.. And this is largely due to the fact that, regardless of the channel you use, the best of all will always be that there will be someone waiting for you on the other side.

In addition, there are other reasons to send a welcome message to a customer . Which? Well, it is what follows in the note

What is the welcome message for?

  • Start building a bond. Relationship marketing is built on quality interactions. A great way to get off to a good start is with your welcome message.
  • Introduce oneself. As we said before, first impressions are key. Taking advantage of the welcome message to introduce yourself and show interest in the user is a perfect way to give that impression that you are looking for so much.
  • Add value. The first message you send to your customers and subscribers can serve to initiate the link with users adding value. That is, guiding them with useful information about your products and services, offering them a kind of guide to know where to start.
  • Publicize a product or service. The welcome message represents a very valuable opportunity to start a conversation with your customers and subscribers, guiding them to discover your products and services.
  • Lead the user to the next step. We have all been new at one time or another, whether in a job or in a group. That feeling of not knowing what to do or where to start is not pleasant. The welcome message can lead users to the next step. They will appreciate that help.
  • Increase conversion. By using appropriate calls to action in your welcome message, you can increase your business conversions.

How do you make a welcome message?

It’s time to get to work on customer welcome messages Where to start? We give you a brief guide so as not to fail.

Define goals

What would become of our strategies without objectives? Where would our campaigns lead us without these goals to be achieved? In the case of the welcome message It is important to define what we will try to do from the moment a user provides us with their data .

For example, it may be that in the welcome message to a client our objective is to reinforce the identity of our brand. Based on this, we will place a strong emphasis on staying connected through our social networks or we will storytelling sharing the history of the company.

In other cases, we may seek to provide useful information, mainly by sharing featured blog articles or tips and recommendations for the use of our platform. While another goal may be conversion. In that case, we will include discount codes, special promotions or exclusive accesses.

The important thing before starting is to be clear about what objective we intend to achieve with the welcome messages for customers.

Choose the right moment

This would be something like having rhythm. The ideal is to welcome as soon as a user registers in our database . However, if it is a sequence of welcome messages, it is possible to use other time frames as well.

For example, if a person subscribed to the blog with their email, an immediate first communication can be sent to thank the registration and share the outstanding contents of the blog. Adding, in addition, links to social networks.

A second email could be sent two days later to share the articles chosen especially for the user. And uA third email would be sent a week after registration to invite the subscriber to a webinar or download content.

In this sense, user segmentation is very important to know what type of welcome message is appropriate.

Customize welcome messages

Something essential in any interaction with customers or subscribers is personalization. From using the user’s first name, to offering relevant content or products based on their preferences. Everything is useful when starting to build a quality bond with our audience.

You wonder, for example, how can you personalize a good email marketing campaign that includes a welcome message to customers? This note has all the answers you need (and a bit more too).

Think of specific welcome messages for each audience

Taking into account that people tend to receive messages from companies frequently, either through email marketing , SMS or even WhatsApp, it is important that in the welcome message we explain precisely what type of communications they are going to receive for having registered.

In addition to indicating the type of messages that we are going to share with them, we must tell them how to unsubscribe or update their preferences regarding these notifications.

Includes calls to action

If you have your goals well defined and segmented users, it will be much easier to include appropriate calls to action in each welcome message .

If your goal is to sell more, your CTAs should direct users to the products you are trying to market. To do this, you can use discounts or promotions to increase interest and sales possibilities.

If what you want is to bring more traffic to your website, it will be essential to include a CTA that links to the content you are trying to position. But yesIf you are looking to increase engagement and generate community, you should focus your CTAs on the social channels of your business, for example.

Templates for customer welcome messages via email, SMS and WhatsApp

Beyond these recommendations, we want to give you something else. Therefore, below we share 3 templates that you can use as a welcome message for clients through email, SMS marketing and WhatsApp .

Because omnichannel is our thing , you already know

Welcome message via email

To create an email Welcome you have multiple options in terms of extension, format, design and elements to use. Remember to always be clear about your goal.

In the template that we will share below, we use the subscription to a streaming platform as an example.

Hello NAME!

Welcome to NAME of the PLATFORM.

Everything is ready for you to start enjoying the NAME of EXPERIENCE experience.

Here are all the details of your subscription:

We will always be here to help you with whatever you need. We would also love to hear from you to personalize your experience. Write to us here.

We would love to hear from you!

Welcome message via SMS


To send SMS we must take care of the number of characters. The rule is not to exceed 140. In this case: the good, if brief, twice as good .


Thanks for signing up!

Now you can receive before anyone else all our news.

Access your special discount here .

Welcome message via WhatsApp

Although there are no character limits, the recommendation to connect with clients on WhatsApp is also to keep it short .

Remember that in this platform the key is to talk and the ideal is to give rise to the response of the users so that the interaction flows naturally .

Hello NAME!

We welcome you to the COMPANY NAME family.

Thank you for using our services.

All ready to go?


There are no more excuses. You have all the information you need to create a perfect welcome message for your audience

Do you have any doubt? Need help? Discover how we can accompany you from emBlue .


FAQ: How to send a welcome message to a customer?

What is a welcome message for?

The welcome message to a client or subscriber is one that is sent with the aim of greeting the user and thanking him for the action he has just carried out.

What are the 5 key steps to achieve a good welcome message?

The 5 key steps are:

  1. Clearly define objectives.
  2. Choose the right time to send it.
  3. Personalize content dynamically.
  4. Be very specific about the goal of the message.
  5. Include calls to action or CTAs .

Why use welcome messages to our customers?

The 6 fundamental reasons to use welcome messages are:

  • Start building a bond.
  • Present yourself to customers with the right message.
  • Add value from the start.
  • Publicize our brand, product or service.
  • Lead the user to the next step of the link.
  • Increase conversion.